I’m Iman, a born and raised Bay Area Native and graduated from UC Berkeley as an English major. I watch far too much TV for my own good, spend too many hours on the internet looking at clothes and Wikipedia, laugh a little too hard at celebrity gossip, drool at pictures of food and travel my friends post on Facebook & Instagram, and sleep at the worst times possible.

Since starting college, I’ve eaten out a lot more than I used to and I always like to take pictures of my food. So I figured, why not start a small blog to house all of my pictures of food? My goal is try to post at least one picture of food a day – whether it’s food I’ve made, tried, would like to in the near future, or just a really good recipe.

Why the Bay? Well, I’m a Bay Area native, born and raised in Fremont, spent the first half of my college years in the South Bay, and the latter in Berkeley. Fremont may not be a “cool” city to live in but its location is prime. I’m at the most 30 minutes away from San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, etc. I LOVE the diversity, the weather, the nature, and so on. Ironically, I wanted to go down to So Cal for school once I transferred (what Nor Cal kid doesn’t think of that?), but after weighing all of the options, I think the Bay Area totally fits in with my personality and lifestyle. I think the Bay Area has so much to offer for foodies. I’m no food expert or chef, but I think I have a decent idea of what tastes and looks good!